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Archaeology-Ethnography Collections > Zooarchaeology Collection

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This site provides access to data in the Museum of Natural History Zooarchaeology Collection. Data are updated periodically, and we are constantly updating taxonomy and checking specimen identifications and associated information. Nevertheless, outdated names, mistaken identifications, and erroneous localities will inevitably occur in any large database. We urge investigators to verify all data by direct examination of the specimens, and we would appreciate notification of discrepancies or difficulties you may be having with this website (please contact museum@lsu.edu). Data records in the Louisiana Museum of Natural History may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the expressed written consent of an LMNH curator. If any of these records are used in an analysis or report, the provenance of the original data must be acknowledged and the LMNH notified. The Louisiana Museum of Natural History or its staff are not responsible for damages, injury, or loss due to the use of these data. Questions and comments about this site should be sent to museum@lsu.edu.

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